September 2022 – March 2025
ETH Co-PIs: Prof. Bryan Adey (Infrastructure management), Prof. David Kaufmann (Spatial Development and Urban Policy), Dr. Jennifer Duyne Barenstein (ETH Wohnforum- ETH CASE), Prof. Bozidar Stojadinovic (Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering)
ETH Research Team: Dr. Giulia Celentano – project coordinator (Sustainable Construction), Dr. Rossella Marmo (Infrastructure management), Dr. Nikola Blagojevic (Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering), Dr. David Kostenwein (Spatial Development and Urban Policy)
ICRC: Pavlos Tamvakis (Head of Project Management/ ICRC Water & Habitat Unit), Alexander Humbert (Construction Project Manager/ ICRC Water & Habitat Unit), Antoine Hess (Senior Partnership Manager, ICRC-RHUH, ICRC Beirut delegation)
Partners: Prof. Mayssa Dabaghi, American University Beirut; Prof. Yiannis Xenidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Architekturbüro Leinhäupl + Neuber GmbH
Photo: ICRC: Rafik Hariri University Hospital in Beirut
Non-scientific communication
- The work has been presented at the ICRC Healthcare in Danger regional MENA forum by Dr. Celentano, facilitated by Jessica Ramirez Mendoza (ICRC), session 4
- internal presentation at the Water and Habitat Project Management cell, ICRC_HQ (online), with follow up scheduled for autumn24
- internal presentation at strategic stakeholders within the ICRC Health Unit in HQ (e.g.: Digital Health, focal point for MCI and emergency preparedeness)
- 1:1 presentation to WHO Techné (brief with interest for follow up)
- 1:1 presentation to PHEOC Public Health Emergency Operation Center in Lebanon at RHUH (brief with interest for alignment)
ICRC project lead Pavlos Tamvakis, ETH PI Prof. Guillaume Habert, project coordinator Dr. Giulia Celentano and Strategic Advisor Prof. Yiannis Xenedis after a progress meeting in the ICRC Headquarters in Geneva, February 2023
Workshop session in Rafik Harir University Hospital at the project start. The workshop included the ICRC sponsor from HW Pavlos Tamvakis (on the left, standing), the ETH project team, ICRC local team and hospital staff. Beirut, November 2022. Photo by: Jennifer Duyne Barenstein
ETH BRHI team hospital visit in Tripoli Governamental Hospital, led by Mahmoud Al Wais, ICRC Hospital Project Manager – TGH (in the center. On his right side: Dr. Nikola Blagojevic, on his left: Dr. Giulia Celentano, ETH Zurich), April 2024 Photo by: TGH medical staff